What are the health effects of wine? Should we drink or abstain? There are innumerable studies on this topic. Some studies say you shouldn’t drink at all and others say that red wine lowers cholesterol, reduces risk of heart disease, lowers risk of stroke, cuts risk of colon cancer, controls blood sugar, and prevents dementia. This is as a result of it containing several antioxidants such as polyphenol and resveratrol. The following articles go into further detail:
Is wine good for you
- Six reasons why a little glass of wine each day may do you good
- So how good is wine for our health
- Is wine good for you. Sorting facts from fiction
- Red wine – good or bad
Personally, I think Louis Pasteur got it right when he said that “Wine is the most healthful and hygienic of beverages” If there is some controversy over the health effects of wine, I fall back on the psychological benefits. You do have to watch the calories though. An ounce of wine is about 25 calories so a standard 6 ounce serving is roughly 150 calories. It may be slightly more or less depending on the alcohol (ABV) level. This contrasts to 154 calories in the standard small bottle of beer of 341ml or 11.2 oz. So remember to exercise before or after imbibing.
An indirect benefit for those inclined is Vinotherapy which is a beauty therapy process where the residue of wine making, namely the pips and pulp, are rubbed into the skin.